Pencil Me In For Kids (PMIFK) is a West Seattle Rotary sponsored charity that has been providing basic school supplies to West Seattle grade school students in need since 1996.
Three CHEERS for the great turn out to help sort and deliver the Pencil Me in For Kids (PMIFK) supplies this year! Pick up and sorting took place on August 28. The volunteers where Brian Wade and his wife Ruthi, Julie Mac, both Georges, Stefanie F., Susan B, and of course Keith who set up the American Legion Hall ahead of time so we had space to go through all the items and sort them out to each appropriate school.
Pick up from Staples was early afternoon on August 28 and the sorting began at the Legion Hall that same day at 5. We were done in about 1 ½ hours and some of us went out for Pizza after. Half of the supplies were loaded into vehicles that night and the rest were taken care of the next morning, August 29, and then delivered. All hands were needed and things worked out just Great!