Students of the Month is a program that honors outstanding seniors from four West Seattle high school programs five or six times during the school year. Each program chooses a student who excels in numerous areas such as grades, persistence, leadership, and work ethics. The students along with family, counselors and others important in her or his life are all guests of the Rotary Club of West Seattle at its weekly luncheon.
Each student gives a short talk about his or her accomplishments and aspirations and receives information about scholarships and a gift from the club.

Students of the Month qualify to apply for Student of the Year scholarships. Each of the four participating high school programs is guaranteed one $2,000 Student of the Year Scholarship per academic year.
The high school programs responsible for the selection of the students are
- Chief Sealth International High School
- Career Link/Alternative High Schools
- West Seattle High School
- Southwest Youth and Family Services